
Empowering school leaders to lead effectively and sustainably starts with prioritizing their own wellness. MindfulEd offers tailored programs and proven strategies to ensure that educators thrive in their roles. Invest in your leadership well-being today for a brighter educational future.

It’s time to thrive professionally and personally!

  • Rest Workshops for Teams

    A safe and inclusive space for BIPOC women school leaders to come together, share experiences, and learn practical strategies for incorporating rest into their daily lives.

  • Executive Coaching

    Our coaches will guide you through the process of developing a tailored rest plan which will make your leadership more impactful and resilient.

  • Leadership Retreats

    Take a break from the demands of daily life to recharge, reflect, and connect with like-minded leaders, so you can show for up for your team with energy and optimism.

About the Founder

Tonya Clark

While taking over the leadership of a school on the verge of shutdown due to poor outcomes, Tonya experienced profound burnout. Hospitalized due to stress related health problems, she realized the urgent need to prioritize her own wellness and wellbeing. As she became intentional about self-care, a surprising thing happened—Tonya’s wellness rippled through her campus, benefiting both staff and students. Just two years later, Tonya led her campus to a remarkable turnaround, nearly reaching an A-rating. Through firsthand experience, Tonya discovered that prioritizing leaders' well-being enables them to pursue their passion longer and achieve better outcomes. Now, she’s on a mission to usher more educational leaders through the same process of healing and rejuvenation.

Contact us.

Ready to prioritize your well-being and reignite your passion for education? Contact us for transformative retreats, personalized 1:1 coaching, and rejuvenating workshops tailored for leaders across PK-12 systems facing overwhelm and struggling to carve out time for self-care. Let's embark on a journey to sustainable fulfillment in your educational leadership role.